Tuesday 6 June 2017

Total tourists. Totally humbled. Day 3 NYC

We woke a little later (that may have something to do with the cocktails the night before!) and discussed what we should do with our day. We were interested in doing the Hop On, Hop Off bus so planned to see what deals we could get with that. But first - breakfast! 

We decided to walk into Times Square again, as, if we wanted to see someone about getting a bus ticket, that's the best place to be!

We wandered and nothing caught our eye so we went to Applebee's again! As we came out and walked along, a man approached us for Hop On, Hop Off sales. We stopped and talked to him and he sold us tickets that included some attractions too!

We got on the Downtown bus loop and sat on it, listening to the information and snapping tourist photos as we went.

We stayed on until we got to the stop for Ground Zero. It was so, so different to how I remember it. When I went in 2008 there was still a large expanse of space where building work was going on. There was a wall with each name of the deceased on and one building. In that building was a fountain with 11 names and droplets. I, and a groups of us, had a talk from Micky Kross, one of the 'Angels on the Stairwell' where he told us his account of that day. It was an honour and a day I'll never forget.

I was shocked by how much had changed in almost 9 years since I was there previously. We walked around the Memorial Flows Fountains.








There is now a Memorial Museum and World Trade skyscraper building, where you can visit the observatory. We chose not to, as the cloud was so thick and heavy and we were advised we wouldn't see a thing if we tried anyway!

We visited the museum. So humbling. I won't write everything from this, I feel the photos speak for themselves.






Coincidentally, we visited on 30th May 2017; exactly 15 years to the day after the clear-up officially ended.

Once we left the museum, we had a snack from Starbucks then got back on the bus - it had been raining so we were given fetching yellow ponchos!! 

The loop went downtown, and we saw and heard lots!

Drop off at Times Square then we walked back to our hotel. We both felt more rested so got ready for dinner. We'd decided to use our Comedy Club tickets (you get these with one of the Hop On, Hop Off bus deals).

We stumbled on a restaurant called Bobby Van's Grill which appeared quite upmarket (our kind of restaurant; the type we enjoy at home). It did not disappoint! Our meal was absolutely delicious; possibly one of the best of the week for me.

After we had dinner (and a lush cocktail for me, red wine for my hubs) we ventured to the LOL Comedy Club. There was a host and quite a few comedians. We had such a fun night, with more cocktails! It was such a funny night, I'm so glad we went.


Photos taken by me on our bus tour

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