Friday 22 May 2015

What will be, will be

As the beautiful Doris Day once sang Que Sera, Sera... 
Sometimes life gets in the way of being able to see or think that though. 

I've had some really sad times over the past 16 months. Some good as well, obviously - I got married, for one!

I let these sad times engulf me. I let them lead my conversations, take over my thoughts and influence my whole mood. That dark cloud that followed me around, raining on any parade I attended!

That dark cloud makes the sunshine that peeps out, when it decides to show it's glorious self, appear even brighter! 

After chats with several people I won't publicly name but who will undoubtably know who they are, I've started to have happier thoughts. Happier times. Happier feelings. I've started to see the grass is already quite green, thanks. That my life is going alright actually. I feel, on the whole, more content...

I'm starting to enjoy every day for what it is, for, whatever will be, will be...

Happy Friday lovely people.