Monday, 27 October 2014

Dear Diary... An extra hour well spent

Yesterday (Sunday 26th) was our first year anniversary of moving into our lil house together!

We celebrated by leaving it alone for the day to travel halfway across the country! For a good reason - we were visiting my last surviving grandparent. We took advantage of the extra hour and jumped out of bed at 6:30am fresh as daisies!

My grandad has already indirectly been featured in this blog - he's the man my hand is linked with in my 'Say Cheese' post.

We left the house around half 8, popped to get petrol then stopped off to fuel ourselves in the form of a McDonalds breakfast! It was the second time I've ever had a McDonalds breakfast!

Car and us refuelled, we were on our way! We made the journey up there in 1 hour 50 mins which is pretty much a personal best for that route!

When we got there, after a chat, we all went for a walk through a lovely park, with a war memorial. The walk in the fresh air felt amazing and the sights were beautiful. We chatted about the past and my lovely late nan. My grandad told me how he first met my nan 69 years ago and how they came to be together.

It was lovely to be talking about my nan and although it was emotional, it felt good. My grandad told us stories about his time in National Service and what he's been doing to keep himself busy over the past few months.

After that long stroll we'd worked up an appetite and were ready for lunch! We stopped off at a Harvester (The Styvechale, Coventry) on the way back from the park and it was probably the best Harvester meal myself and my husband have ever had! My grandad had forgotten his glasses so, instead of picking bits to have read for him, he simply decided to have whatever I was having!

When we got back, we watched our entire wedding images DVD (this took almost 2 hours!) we talked about our big day and how much everyone seemed to enjoy it, and my grandad said how good he thought it was. We all agreed it could not have gone any better! He commented on the fact that every face had a constant beam the whole way through the DVD! 
My grandad then showed us their wedding photo album in black and white... How times have changed! Now we use effects to create something they didn't have an option over! 

All too soon, it was time to go home. A bit of traffic, roadworks and varying speed limits meant it took about 2 hours 40 mins to get home.

So we ate some chocolate, snuggled on the sofa and watched X Factor on ITV+1 (kinda agree with the decision of Jake going this week).

What a perfect day! I hope you all had as good a Sunday as I did.

Fuel for the journey:

Beautiful views at the park:

War memorial:

My nan and grandad's wedding album:
From 1951, almost 64 years ago.

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