Sometimes life gives you things you don't want. Some things you really did not expect. Other things you work blooming hard for and feel proud when you get them. Other times, you notice others get things easily they possibly take for granted, whilst you struggle to obtain... At the same time you are probably doing the same to someone else without realising!
In life, as humans, we have this awful habit of concentrating on the bad. "Oh, you'll never guess what happened to me today!" "That's just my luck, that." "Why do things like that always happen to me?!"
I have felt like this a lot in my 20-something years. The glass has never been half full, nor half empty - it has always been bone dry in my eyes! I've actually always been quite lucky, thinking about it, and probably took this for granted. So, in the past 12 months since our wedding (my husband is notorious for having bad luck!) it appears some has rubbed off on me.
I've had some dark days. I've had times when I thought "why me?" and "why not me?" Well, you know what?! Things haven't all gone to plan in the past 12 months but my goodness how lucky I am in other aspects of life...
Another thing I've noticed... People's standards, perceptions and experiences are so different. Someone once told me she was having a hard time. A day she was dreading and considered hard work, was in my eyes; a walk in the park!
Someone once said to me "I know it's going to rain on my wedding day, it'd be just my luck" and guess what... It didn't!
It's one of those things that if we open our mind to the positive as much as we do the negative; every day would be a Friday, not a Monday! When it's been a rubbish day, we revel in it. When it's been an average to good day... "How was your day?" "Yea fine thanks." And that's it! Done! No mention of any of the things that made it fine, good, average. I'm sure if you think back, there will be a good thing that happened to you most days, if not all.
No? Are you really sure? Did you hear from a friend? A precious family member? Did someone respond well to a comment, some help you gave at work? Did you enjoy your dinner? Were your eggs perfect for breakfast? Did a loved one smile at you? Did you hear a song you love? Did someone pay you a compliment, or you pay one? Did you have a perfect cup of tea? Learn something new? Did you feel the air rustle your hair, the sun kiss your skin?
You know when you get those miniature sparks of pride and contentment... Grab them and run with them! Let it flood your heart and your mind so the positivity glows. That way, when you walk outside, the heavens open and you've forgotten your umbrella... It won't be the only thing you think and speak about when recalling your day.
Try it. I dare you! (I'm going to!)