Not in a big-headed way, no no no! I have my faults, and I'm overly aware of them! No, let me explain what I mean.
I have been through quite a bit in my twenty-something years, haven't we all?! Some of which many know, and others that almost nobody knows. Some of which are trivial and others were life-changing.
I've been through some things that have made me doubt the saying "that which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger"... I used to think "no, not stronger, but different". I think a more accurate phrase would be "that which doesn't kill us, changes us".
Going through life-altering events - however trivial they may seem to others -makes you who you are today.
I started thinking about this today, how I am probably a lot stronger than I often give myself credit for.
I drive quite a few miles a day to commute to work. I have been driving for almost ten years. I had my first car accident this week. Some people would be scared to 'get back on the horse' as the saying goes...
Don't get me wrong, I was shaken on the day it happened and it took a lot of effort to climb back in and complete my journey then to do the same journey in reverse to get home that evening. The point is - I did it! I have continued to get into my car several times since and get to where I need to be.
On the large scale of life - that accident probably wasn't up there with the really awful times - I've had worse, as they say. I am going to be more aware and nervous about other road-users now but that's perfectly natural.
This is why I'm proud of myself. Some days I just feel so sad when life gets on top of me. That is also perfectly natural. It's how I deal with it that makes me, and all those others out there doing the same, stronger than we'll ever know. We get up, put our make-up on, choose our outfit and meals for the day, go to work and live our life. Because we are strong. I am strong. You are strong.